I have done it using JavaScript. But I want to run this using pure PHP. Is it possible?.I doesn't know but some one has done it. http://wmorein.com/rdpcreator/

And the second thing how a way you can run test.rdp file using PHP.
I want to use rapidleech script on my RDP server is there any way that i run PHP website their bcoz html is working but not php i can access html vie my rdp IP address so any body tell me how to do this.

Launch RDP from Web Browser. [source]
This script allows you create a link that can open a RDP session by passing a server address parameter.

function rdp(address){
  var rdpexe = 'C:\\WINDOWS\\system32\\mstsc.exe';
  var ws = new ActiveXObject('WScript.Shell');
  ws.Exec(rdpexe + " /v:" + address);
  alert("This link will try to launch RDP session from web browser\n"+
     "1. Please use Internet Explorer 7.0+\n"+ 
     "2. Go to Tools > Internet options > Security > Trusted Sites and click \"sites\" button.\n"+
     "3. Add *.your_domain to trusted site\n"+
     "4. Click Custom Level and find the section \"ActiveX controls and plug-ins\"\n"+
     "5. Select Enable for \"Initializing and Script ActiveX controls not marked as safe\"");

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