Final Fantasy VII revolves around a company named Shinra that is drawing from the very life of the planet to create energy called Mako to power its technology. This process is causing widespread ecological problems. The main character, Cloud Strife, is a mercenary. He is hired by a rebel group, AVALANCHE , to destroy Shinra's Mako reactors in an attempt to slow down the planet's decay. Fellow Avalanche members Tifa Lockhart and Barret Wallace join Cloud even after his quest takes his focus away from Shinra. Along the way, Cloud and his group discover that Mako comes from the life energy of the planet, called the Lifestream. When the planet is injured, the energy from the Lifestream focuses on that injury to heal the planet. To make things even more troubling, Sephiroth, Cloud's former partner and the most powerful SOLDIER on the planet, plans to cause a planet-wide catastrophe by summoning Meteor to crash into the earth so he can draw all the Mako energy released to himself and gain god-like power. by
CPU Type: Pentium
CPU Speed in MHz: 133 MHz with 3D accelerator card; 166 MHz without 3D accelerator card
Hard Drive Space: 260MB
Sound Card: DirectX 5.0 compatible
CD Drive Speed: 4X
Video Card: 3dfx Voodoo, 3dfx Voodoo 2, 3dfx Voodoo Rush, 3Dlabs Permedia 2, ATI Rage Pro, Intel i740, Power VR Extreme
Graphics Type: SVGA
Color Depth: 256
Graphics Resolution(s): 320 x 200, 640 x 480
Compatible Devices: keyboard, gamepad, joystick
Software (DirectX 5.0, etc.): DirectX 5.0