Realm of the Titans is a bold, new take on the popular action strategy genre. In ROTT, two teams of up to five heroes face off on a dangerous and dynamic battlefield in an attempt to take total control of the map. As each team advances across the field of combat, they seize control points that spawn waves of NPC minions to assist them in the conflict. Players who perform well in battle are awarded points that can be used during the match to upgrade their hero’s powers and abilities. The game is meticulously designed to reward teamwork and tactics, and encourage fluid and fast-paced competitive gameplay.
Hardcore PVP
Developed by pro DotA players, Realm of the Titans is a high speed action strategy game that pits two teams of players against each other in an all out brawl for complete domination. Refine your skills against some of the most sophisticated AI around. Choose from dozens of player skills, spells, custom key bindings, and more!
Realm of the Titans System Requirement


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