For Windows users there is an alternative that might be easier and faster when accessing and working with MySQL databases. Moreover, if we work with the local computer. The program is free and open source HeidiSQL. With this desktop-based applications, to manage the MySQL database will be faster and easier than when using the web-based.

HeidiSQL Some features include:
  • Free anybody plus Open Source
  • Connections to multiple servers at once in just one application (window)
  • Connect to the server via the commandline
  • Tunner connect via SSH or SSL setting pass
  • Create and edit tables, views, stored routines, triggers and scheduled events
  • Export database or a table in a SQL
  • Managing user (users) include ha easy access
  • Export from one server / database directly to the server / database other
  • Import text file
  • Export table in the form of CSV, HTML, XML, SQL, LaTeX, Wiki Markup and PHP Array
  • Browse and edit table with a user friendly grid
  • Batch insert ACSII or binary files into tables
  • Writing queries with syntax highlighting and code completion
  • Formating SQL code would be neater and easier to read
  • Monitor and kill the client
  • Finding a particular text in the server
  • Optimize and repair tables from multiple databases at once
  • and many more
In the early days I used to manage a MySQL database using PHPMyAdmin, but are now used to using HeidiSQL for speed and simplicity. We almost did not have to wait for features that opened like when using PHPMyAdmin. Except when the server is not allowed except only accessible via the web, then it may be used PHPMyAdmin.

HeidiSQL can run on Windows XP, Vista and 7, as well as on Linux using Wine. For Windows 2000 can run using the old mysql library. In addition to the installer version is available, there is also a portable version which is about 3 MB only, Download HeidiSQL (3.3MB Installer, Portable 3.1 MB).

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